
3 min

Cost-Saving Measures for B2B Travel Companies During Economic Downturns

Sooner or later, higher interest rates are going to impact economies worldwide. Businesses and individuals often reduce their travel spending during recessions, which can have a big impact on B2B travel companies. It is crucial for B2B travel businesses to put cost-saving strategies in place to weather the storm of lower demand for travel services, which can result in lost revenue and profitability. Travel companies can enhance their financial position and ability to compete in a difficult market by reducing costs and increasing the efficiency with the aid of cost-saving strategies. In order for B2B travel enterprises to survive economic downturns, cost-saving strategies are essential.

Cost-saving measures

During a recession, B2B travel companies might employ a number of cost-cutting strategies to streamline operations and save costs. Staffing modifications, which may include brief layoffs, shortened hours, or hiring freezes, are the most popular solutions.

These steps can assist businesses in controlling payroll costs while retaining their most valuable employees. Although staffing changes might be difficult to make, they are frequently required to ensure the company's long-term survival during difficult economic times.

Renegotiating rent/lease agreements or downsizing their office space are two other cost-cutting strategies for travel companies. A reduction in rent and leasing costs might benefit a company's financial situation as these costs can make up a sizeable portion of its budget. Subleasing extra space or negotiating a lower rent rate with their landlords can go a long way (even when there isn´t an economic downturn).

In addition to these measures, B2B travel companies can negotiate with suppliers and vendors for better pricing and payment terms. The use of technology can also help B2B travel companies streamline their processes and reduce expenses. For example, implementing such as Pruvo´s repricing solution can help reduce the net price of your hotel inventory supply, and completely remove any costs related to room mapping.

Companies tend to cut advertising costs during recessions. That said, generating incremental revenue is actually more important in tough times to stay afloat. So, you can focus on partnering with other businesses for mutually beneficial opportunities that will generate more revenue for both companies. One example of this is how Pruvo has partnered with IT Hubs such as Juniper . In this partnership, Pruvo helps Juniper's customers increase profit margins on hotels they ALREADY sold, while helping Juniper generate an additional revenue stream from the extra margins generated for their customers.

Generate new revenues

During an economic downturn, it's not just about reducing costs, but it's also important for B2B travel companies to focus on revenue generation to sustain their business. One way to generate more revenue is to diversify their revenue streams. B2B travel companies can explore new markets or target new customer segments that are less affected by the economic downturn. Diversifying revenue streams can also help B2B travel companies reduce their reliance on a single product or service, making their business more resilient in times of crisis.

One popular framework for generating new revenues is exporting an internal solution. Companies manytimes create in-house tech solutions for problems they have or for streamlining processes. These technologies can then be "exported" and offered as an additional services to other companies. That is what recently happened with Pruvo's room mapping service, that was initially used internally for repricing and is now being offered as a stand alone service.


In conclusion, economic downturns can be challenging for B2B travel companies, but cost-saving measures, revenue generation, and a focus on efficiency can help them weather the storm. By implementing these strategies, B2B travel companies can position themselves for success in a challenging market and emerge stronger on the other side of an economic downturn.